Mapping Technologies and
Monitoring Techniques in
Coral Reef Environments

13-21 February 2025
IV edition

Mapping Technologies and
Monitoring Techniques in
Coral Reef Environments

13-21 February 2025
IV edition

Mapping Technologies and
Monitoring Techniques in
Coral Reef Environments

13-21 February 2025
IV edition

Useful Informations

Things to know before registration:


To proceed with the registration, you will have to fill the form in the section provided.
After filling it, we ask you to send an email to the address specifying in the subject: “Name Surname – Registration Mapping Technologies and Monitoring Techniques” and attach a JPEG colour copy of your passport naming the file “MTCR23_Surname_Name_PPT”
The registration deadline is fixed for 15 December 2024. The maximum number of participants is set to 16-20 people. The workshop will be activated once a minimum number of participants has been reached, thereafter we will give you the green light to purchase the flights and we will send you the invoice, after which you can proceed with the payment of the workshop fee.


The cost of the IV Edition of Mapping Technologies and Monitoring Techniques in Coral Reef Environments is: 1350 Euro for students (regularly registered at any university course) or 1550 Euro for non-students.
The above amount includes:
entry business visa (if required) to the Maldives, boat transfer from/to Malé airport, transfers for all the activities envisaged under the internship program, room and food at the MaRHE Center of Magoodhoo, full board treatment, accommodation in multiple rooms (single rooms are not available), lessons and activities provided for the internship program.
The above amount doesn’t include:
flight to/from Malé, passport renewal expenses, anything else not specified here above.


Students enrolled in other degree programmes and/or universities must inquire at their teaching secretary.
Students enrolled in the International Master’s Programme in Marine Sciences at the University of Milano-Bicocca will receive recognition for their training credits. Specifically, participants in this program can obtain up to 4 CFU for the practical training component of the workshop.
However, it’s important to note that students pursuing degrees in other academic programs or attending different universities may also be eligible for credit recognition. Students are advised to reach out to their respective academic offices or teaching secretaries for detailed information and guidance regarding credit transfer procedures and requirements.


It is very important to remember that after the fee payment process has been completed, individuals who require a cancellation in
order to have a reimbursement will be subject to an administrative fee of 10% of the total fee paid.
This administrative fee is applied to cover the costs associated with processing cancellations and managing administrative tasks.


Important: You will have to wait for our confirmation before purchasing your flights. You will be responsible for purchasing the flight. The choice of the airline is yours, the important thing is to be at the airport on the day and at the time established.
Pay attention while purchasing the flight tickets; your mistakes (for example incorrect flight dates) cannot be reimbursed. Furthermore, it’s necessary to send us a copy of the air ticket to be able to proceed, if necessary, to the entry visa request, of which we will deal entirely.


For individuals preparing for a trip to the Maldives, it is absolutely essential to confirm the validity of your passport.
It is required that your passport remains valid for a minimum of six months beyond your intended departure date from the Maldives to comply with entry regulations. Furthermore, it is highly recommended that you have a minimum of two unused pages in your passport to facilitate the placement of essential stamps and immigration paperwork upon both arrival and departure from the country.

Things to know before departure:


No vaccination is required for travellers coming to Maldives from Europe.
However, each participant should take care of this aspect in order to enter the country.


Any field activity presents risks and dangers, and there are some basic rules to be observed in order to minimise them. Adhering to the buddy system is imperative, in particular in aquatic environments: teams will be organized, and within each team, designated pairs will collaborate closely to ensure safety and support throughout the activity.

Accomodation and Meals

The accommodation is organised at the Centre, in multiple rooms with bathroom, full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Sheets and towels are provided. The food is prepared according to the local customs and consists, for the most part, of fish, chicken, rice and vegetables prepared in different ways. Special dietary requirements and allergies must be reported at the time of registration.


The air temperature is around 28-29°C. The weather is always pleasant, even during the rainy months . Please note that most of the day will be occupied by field activities, seminars and exercises, it is, therefore, advisable to wear comfortable sportive clothes. It is recommended to avoid too skimpy clothing, as the island of Magoodhoo is not a tourist destination and local costumes are those of an Islamic country.


For field activities in the sea it is necessary to have, in addition to a bathing suit and a towel, the following equipment: mask, snorkel, fins (and booties if needed). It is possible to rent snorkelling equipment on-site, depending on size and availability. Please notify us in advance if you require any specific equipment to ensure its availability.


The official currency of the Maldives is the Maldivian Rufiyaa (MVR).
However, both euros and dollars are widely accepted at banks and exchange offices throughout the country.

1 Euro = about 17 Rufyiaa
1 US $ = about 15 rufyiaa

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